About Dr. Scott Clemens

I take pride in providing a premier primary care experience for my patients. The expectation is that you get the right care, at the right place, at the right time. My experience working in local hospitals, office practice, and even as an administrator for a large medical group gives me the depth of knowledge to guide patients on what to expect out of the healthcare system, specialists and even the insurance companies.
My philosophy on care is to first strive to understand patients and then use my training and background to allow us to work together to achieve the best health outcomes. I’m not a pill-pusher and I love when solutions can be found through lifestyle changes and a body rehabilitative approach. I will always go to great lengths to help patients find the most cost-effective care (commonly through prescribing of equivalent but lower cost meds, Canadian mail order and compounding pharmacies, and especially by explaining why more tests aren’t needed at all).
It has been frustrating watching patients be treated as numbers in our profit-motivated health system. I limit the size of my clinic so that we can maintain the highest level of customer satisfaction. To be trusted with your healthcare is a tremendous responsibility that is not taken for granted.
After growing up in the suburbs of Chicago, I knew Colorado would become home following an impactful vacation in Estes Park at age 12. My undergraduate education was at the University of Illinois, medical school at Saint Louis University, and lastly an internship and residency in internal medicine at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. I live in Arvada with my wife, twin boys and a pair of Catahoula leopard dogs. We love the mountains of Colorado and the west, skiing, golfing, and enjoying life to the fullest.


Board Certification/Recognition